Lose weight, end fatigue, and find your inner calm.

A 3-month journey to transform the way you look and feel.

You can wake up feeling invigorated, optimistic and motivated for the day ahead. 

It is possible to give your best to yourself and your family, role model good choices and have the energy to enjoy a productive career with balance. 

You are able to feel great in your body, confident about your health and wellness choices – now and into the future. 

If you want to lose weight and maintain the loss (or for some – gain weight and tone), if you are you stressed and oh so tired, if you would like to increase your energy, and improve your sleep – allow me to be your guide and accountability buddy!  

Add years to life and quality to years

Intellectually, we know what we need to do yet,
we get lost in the overwhelm of day to day life and our own self-limiting beliefs and ingrained habits.

Let me untangle the web of confusion the health industry weaves, to guide you to think differently and to create lasting behavioural changes so you can live happily in a healthy body and a well-rested mind.


This program is designed to remove the overwhelm and give you a clear plan of action. Through Movement, Mindfulness and Mindset, and combining ancient wisdom and neuro-science, we embark on a journey from where you are now – to where you want to be – and all the glory there is in between.

You’ll uncover accessible pathways to facilitate positive change and discover your intrinsic motivation to be healthy. 

The 3-month Mind & Body Revitalizer program provides a framework and a goal-setting plan of accountability while, unravelling your inner critic. It uses positive psychology and self compassion as your antidote to self-criticism.

If psychologically expectations are changed, then physiologically they will happen.

Most diets are based on deprivation and many fitness fads are not sustainable. They may achieve quick fix results but more often than not, the weight and old habits come right back. By changing your mindset, rewiring your triggers, altering behaivours, you can change your lifestyle, which is the key ingredient to sustainable change.

The 3-month Mind & Body Revitalizer provides you with the tools to transform the way you feel about yourself;  so you can live your life with confidence, ease and vitality

This program helps lay out the foundation to find ease by delivering, meal tips & tricks, nutrition info, exercise strategies, mindfulness, motivation and accountability

What we’ll do: 

Implement a 3- month framework working together to define what being healthy and well looks like for you – your Wellness Vision.

With your current circumstances in mind, you’ll create your Wellness blueprint, your roadmap providing you with the steps and directions towards your compelling Wellness Vision.

The approach we’ll take: 

We get together each week for 12 weeks. Based on your individual needs – we learn, discover and grow, set realistic and inspiring weekly goals and actions.  These are your stepping-stones towards reaching your 3- month goal, and closer to  your Wellness Vision.  

The RESULTS you can achieve:

  • Weight loss and maintain the loss (or gain weight and release your nervous energy)
  • More time, more energy and mobility to do the things that light you up
  • Enjoyable ways to move your body and live in a body you love
  • Cut through the confusion and conflicting dietary information and know what foods work for you, your body and tasty meals that can be created with ease (while keeping the rest of the family happy)
  • Cut through the confusion and conflicting information the fitness industry weaves and discover movement your body needs and enjoys
  • Reduced stress, end of fatigue and the ability to implement effective techniques so you feel calm, grounded and resilient
  • Balancing hormones from motherhood to menopause
  • Discover triggers of digestive issues
  • Age agelessly – adding years to your life and quality to your years.

Your 3-month Mind & Body Revitalizer Journey includes:

  • Assessment session – get to know each other – are we a match? 

  • A 90-minute Wellness Blueprint coaching session.

  • x 4 1-hour Inspire Coaching sessions

  • x 7 45-min Private Coaching Check-In sessions 

  • Weekly Yoga Elixir Group or Zoom Yoga session

  • x 5 Yoga Nidra – a deeply restful meditation experience during the Blueprint & Inspire sessions 

  • Regular email support in between sessions – including motivation, inspiration and meal idea’s

  • Access to recipes and meal plans, private Facebook group

  • Insulated 500 ml water bottle


Sharon Harvey

Revitaliser 2021

$1290 individual, or
$1850 per couple

If you have tried the quick fixes and they aren’t working, then this program is for you. Let me be your bridge – from where you are today to where you would like to be – progressively changing non-helpful habits and ingrained behavioural patterns to a new healthier lifestyle. 

If you are committed and ready to explore a new vitalized way of living your life – let’s do this, click the button below to book in a free 30-minute discovery session.  I’d love to hear more about you and your story!


We decided to embark on the Wellness journey with Sharon as a couple so that we could support and challenge each other. Sharon’s approach worked well when we worked together and apart, holding us accountable, suggesting small changes that worked, finding our individual strengths and ways to help each other to succeed. We learnt about each other and also about what we need to look after our bodies more effectively. Over our 12 week experience, Rob lost 10 kg and Terri lost 7kg. We have a new way of eating and exercising that suits our lifestyle.

Terri & Rob

Sharon Harvey is my wellness coach and she has helped me change my life for good.  My journey with Sharon started 6 months ago and I haven’t looked back. Sharon’s passion for wellness and mindfulness is inspiring and it has kept me on track to lose weight and feel happier and healthier. Sharon helped me write a Sankalpa (my own mantra), which I say daily. This is a positive statement about who I want to be and how I want to feel. Sharon encouraged me to write daily in a journal recording; my exercise, rate my mood, what I am grateful for and an act of kindness.  This daily practise definitely helps me stay positive and keep on track.

So far I have lost 7 kilos and I have 6 more to go!  

Sharon encouraged me to think differently about what I put in my body, what is absorbed and how I burn calories.  I am never hungry, there are lots of great recipes online and I don’t feel like I am on a diet.  My family are now trying some of the recipes with me which is great.  Not only am I happy with my weight loss, but I feel revitalised, have more energy and feel motivated to keep going forward on this life changing journey.
Sharon set up a weekly plan for me and this included a daily exercise plan I would follow.  I have a minor back injury so Sharon carefully chose activities that would help support and strengthen my back.  These activities included swimming, bike riding, Pilates, walking and of course Sharon’s wonderful yoga classes.
Sharon checks in regularly and gives positive reinforcement to keep me on track.  I highly recommend Sharon’s Revitaliser Journey.  Sharon’s positive energy, knowledge and motivation will help you start your journey to becoming a healthier and happier you. 
Katherine Kelly, 

Why choose me?

Because I’m ‘so’ good at starting things. Pretty much, every week of my adult life I started a new fad diet, went on a detox or trialled the latest fitness craze.

I’d feel great, feel energised, sometimes I lost weight, and then – I wouldn’t,  and would find myself exactly where I started. I would start again, tweak it, try something different, or start something new. Again and again and again…

I would read the latest research and nutritional info, dive in, then watch it get knocked back by science or ‘not enough evidence’ –yet– it was confusing, frustrating and clearly not working for me. 

Luckily – I had discovered the benefits of movement with a regular Yoga practice. My mobility was great, I was building strength, flexibility, tone and felt a noticeable sense of ease. I became a Yoga Teacher to share the benefits of movement to other busy people and was so inspired at the changes I was seeing, both physically and mentally – I knew this health and wellness path was my future. 

But life got busier. With 3 crazy kids, a household to upkeep, a business to build, a husband and later a dog in need – I was tired.  Exhausted. Stressed.  I took the easy outs in the kitchen, I’d skip my own fitness and self-care rituals and I’d drink wine as a reward at the end of every day – then the guilt would take over.  For me, stress leads to digestive issues, I had brain fog, I was so tired all the time, and felt myself giving into ‘age is the enemy’ excuse.

I felt stuck. I knew it didn’t need to be like that.  

I began to finally take control of my wellbing by becoming my own advocate, I practiced mindfulness – being mindfully aware of what food I put into my body, and learning my own disease triggers and how to recognize and reduce illnesses even before they manifested.  I learned how to decrease stress and manage it when I was held within its grips, I continued to incorporate mindful movement and exercise into my life, and I have gathered a supportive like-minded community around me.

Life is about balance.  Eat the cake, eat pizza, drink the wine – but do it mindfully, knowingly and not all the time. 

Seriously – if you don’t have good health – what do you have?

I began to take control of what I fed my cells, how I exercised, rested my body and relaxed my mind.  I became committed to changing my story – and I am committed to changing yours – transforming your mindset, body confidence and lifestyle.

Allow me the privilege to support you in crafting the strategies to help you think differently, so you can create lasting behavioural change, ensuring you lead a fulfilled and happy life in a healthy body and a well-rested mind. 

Sometimes all you need is the right person that gets you!