Your healthy starts now! It’s not too late, we’ll do this together.

Term 3 2024 Bookings Now Open

Let's make this year count!


Hi, my name is Sharon, former Tourism Marketing professional turned Yoga Teacher and Health & Wellness Coach. 

After a busy international corporate career, fast paced lifestyle and later wife and mother to 3 kids, my changing priorities, body shape and head space needed a reset.

I began a journey of self-exploration and study, transforming behaviours that are reinventing the quality of my future. My journey, sparked while working in a tourism role in Mumbai, India, has gifted me the experience and tools to support others in need of balance and to share the benefits of living a healthy vibrant life in a healthy lively body.

My mission is to add years to life and quality to years. To inspire people to show up for themselves, to add themselves to their own ‘to do’ lists no matter how time poor or where their starting point is.  I provide structure, accountability and motivation to enable my clients and students to grow and develop beyond what they can do alone, so they can be the best version of themselves, for themselves, and those they love – for now and well into their future.

Add years to life and quality to years

5.45 am Thursdays

9 Weeks – 22 July – 5 September 2025

Term Block – $144 or 10 Pass $170 over 2 Terms




Yoga fires up those feel good sensations; it’s strengthening, it’s energizing, it’s restorative and, you always feel better at the end of a class than you did before you began. Yoga is the art of waking up in your body – being curious, listening to how it feels and feeling how it moves.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery through authentic conversations, movement, mindfulness and mindset coaching. This integrative approach combines positive psychology, ancient yogic wisdom, mindfulness & nutrition. It is highly personalised to the specific health & wellness challenges and goals you have

Yoga Nidra is a form of mindful meditation that takes the nervous system and mind to a state of deep rest and relaxation. You still the flow of waves in the mind through conscious entry into the sleep state. After just 30 minutes you’ll feel as though you have slept for hours! 

Yoga Trekking

‘Yoga is more than movement – it is a way of life – an elixir of life – it transforms the way you see yourself and live within your body by awakening your inner wisdom through movement and mindfulness’.

Video credit Mantle Video @mantlevideo



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Recent Wellness Elixirs

Natural Ageing

We are what we eat. When we pack our diet with vibrant foods loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats, water, and essential nutrients, our body will show its appreciation through its largest organ: our skin.

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Burger Image

Hungry or Food Cravings and Emotional Eating

Do you ever crave certain tastes such as sweet or salty? Can you regonize the difference between food cravings and genuine hunger? Hunger Hunger is a normal sensation that makes you want to eat. Your body tells your brain that your stomach is empty. This makes your stomach growl and gives you hunger pangs. Hunger

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Love Ya’ Guts!

The trillions of bacteria in our gut have a profound influence on our health, metabolism, and disease protection. A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, skin conditions, healthy sleep, and effective digestion, and it may help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases. The 100 trillion organisms that

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Yoga Australia – the peak body for yoga in Australia.

This means that teachers have completed in-depth study to offer the highest Australian standard of teaching, a minimum of 350 hours teacher training, plus all are long-term yoga practitioners who are committed to practicing regular yoga, continuing with ongoing study and offering the highest quality classes.

As a registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Australia, classes may be claimable on your private health insurance. 

Find if you’re covered