Here are the features of this template and the Bookible system:
Highly Customizable template!
- Every part of this site is easily editable via a drag and drop editor. Add new sections, new colums, images, buttons, sign up boxes, or whatever you like!
Easy to use Booking System:
- Check out the “Make a Booking” link in the menu above. Go through the booking process to see how it works from a customer’s perspective.
- It’s all very easy and intuitive to use, and the admin panel is the same to make management a breeze!
Customer Relationship Manager:
- Easily access files on all your customers and see all their orders.
- Filter them by amount spent or services purchased, and use this data to send targeted email campaigns.
Marketing Machine:
This website template comes with a built-in sales funnel. Most visitors to your site won’t purchase on the first visit, so you need a way to keep them engaged with you and coming back to your site until they are ready to purchase:
- Capture your visitors’ email addresses through easily customizable forms and pop-ups.
- Send them an automated drip email campaign to familiarize them with your services.
- Send promotions to convince them to sign up and give you a try!
- Social media marketing is also built into the site, making sharing your content and following your social channels a snap.
- Use our “Squeeze Pages” to drive traffic from ads on Facebook and Google directly to your email signup form.
- Use “One Click Add To Cart” Special Offers on the checkout page to upsell products quickly and easily
- Use membership plans to get people to sign up for monthly subscription – significantly boosting revenue over “one-off” purchases
- Offer special coupons, gift vouchers, store credit or “packages” to encourage a higher spend per customer
Built in Online Course Creation
- Sell online courses at a price point that enables anyone to familiarize themselves easily with your services
- Reach a global audience rather than only offering face to face sessions
- Once created, virtual courses keep making money with very little overhead costs
- Create multiple courses with lessons, videos, audio, quizzes and certificates
- Charge one off fees or subscription fees to access them
Built in Blogging System
- Our system is built on WordPress and has a beautiful, easy to use blogging system built into it.
- This is great for SEO (blog posts on subjects related to your business will help you rank well in the search engines) as well as for keeping your customers engaged.
- Blog posts are also great to share on social media, and can be boosted through advertising to drive even more traffic to your website.
Built in Facebook Pixel and Google Conversion Tracking:
- Facebook and Google advertising can be used with special tracking code so that you can see how effective your ads actually are.
- This helps you tweak your marketing campaigns and improve their ROI (return on investment), getting you more customers at a lower price!