Health and Wellness Coaching

In today’s hectic and constantly connected world, it’s easy to forget the most important thing in life – our own health and mental wellbeing. 

Juggling work, family, friends, a social life and our own fitness and health can be overwhelming. Most of us tend to drop the health & wellbeing ball first. We stop taking time for ourselves – yet we all know our health is our greatest asset, the most important thing we have. For if we if we lose it, we lose absolutely everything.

We all want to be healthy – but where to start or, how do we get ourselves back on track?  How can we create our own unique and successful path to health and wellness? 

A health & wellness coach can guide you to a more consciously healthy lifestyle. They provide structure, expertise and inspiration to enable you to learn to develop and grow beyond what you’re doing on your own.  

Health & Wellness

Coaching Consult
$ 120 1 hour session
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Health & Wellness

Follow up session
$ 60 30m follow up tracking consults
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Wellness Workshops

Yoga & Wellness Mini Retreats
$ TBA tba
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