My Purpose as a Personal Wellness Coach

To provide the structure, accountability, and inspiration to enable my clients to learn, grow and develop beyond what they can do alone. 

Coaching is a supportive process that facilitates the achievement of goals through guidance, accountability, and encouragement.  I facilitate the process to empower my clients to achieve self-determined goals relating to their health & wellness.  

By applying strategies to mobilise my client’s internal strengths, external resources and to discover their intrinsic motivation to be healthy and make sustainable change, they will prioritize wellness in their life.

My aim is to counter the inner anti-coach – the inner critic – to make change available, achievable and sustainable.

Coaching can help by:

  • Handing over responsibility
  • Planning ahead for obstacles
  • Being a cheerleader but not taking control

In recognising readiness to change I can help by

  • Work through resistance
  • Become aware of beliefs and concerns

By using positive psychology, I can

  • Identify strengths and possible concerns
  • Reframe negative outlooks and increase hope & optimism

Wellness is achieved by creating a program of choices and strategies around

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Stress management
  • Health maintenance
  • Disease prevention

My role is to set the framework and structure of goal-setting a plan and accountability; to apply expert information delivered in a certain way – asking permission and giving choices, never demanding.

Let me untangle the web of confusion the health industry weaves, to guide you to think differently and to create lasting behavioural changes so you can live happily in a healthy body and a well-rested mind.