Natural Beauty

Beauty is more than skin-deep; as are the products we use to beautify and nourish our skin which absorb them.  We are becoming increasingly aware of what we put into our bodies – acknowledging ‘we are what we eat’ – and we know eating and drinking processed products does absolutely nothing for good health and wellbeing.   But …

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New Year Intentions

This time of year is powerful when setting goals to establish a pathway to success, health, fitness and/or wellbeing. It is the perfect time create space to develop new habits and to discard those that no longer serve us well. I am currently creating an intention for the year and putting together goals – keeping …

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Awareness Junkie

I sometimes feel like a newborn, learning anew from being ‘aware’. This is fairly new to me, being aware.  I’ve lived so much of my life on the edge; being too busy travelling, partying, working,  mothering, trying to get ahead and perhaps being a little too shallow.  Certainly not paying attention to things until too …

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Take Your Leave!

It Pays To Take A Holiday   You’ve heard that you need to stretch after a workout to release the tension and lactic acid in your muscles – but did you know it is equally important to relax the brain? Taking the time to properly care for every muscle in the body is crucial to your …

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The Importance of Summer Holidays

The countdown is on until school is out, and the summer excitement is in the air.  As parents, we’re about to give ourselves permission to slooow right down.  We all desperately need it!  (That is of course minus the chaos of actual Christmas). We live in a stupidly busy world – well in Australia – …

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Tired of being tired?

How tired is tired? Being ‘busy’ in our society is worn as a badge of honour, while having regular rests, lunch breaks or a consistent relaxation practice is often seen as being a little lazy and rather selfish. Yet those beliefs may be changing. Employers, employees and judgey family members are recognizing the burnout, imbalance …

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Self-care motivation tips

Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it’s a simple concept, in theory, it’s something we very often overlook. Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety. It’s also key to a good relationship with yourself and others. Self-care is something …

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Yoga Nidra Explained

Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the “going-to-sleep” stage, induced by a guided meditation. Yoga nidra helps to relieve stress, it improves sleep, clears the mind for learning and absorbing new material and it repairs cells. After just 20 minutes you can feel as though you’ve …

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Yoga and Ageing

Many of us resign ourselves to the fact that our bodies will function less efficiently as we age. We never question if this is the way it has to be. Why is it that animals perform proficiently and remain mobile throughout most of their lives while we start to decay mid-way through ours? The ageing …

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Live In the Moment

But, should we strive to live in the present all of the time?  I don’t think so. Most of the time, but not all the time. I think we need to live in the present moment for most of the time, noticing the taste, the smells, the sights, the emotions – but you need to …

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